Tuesday, April 29, 2008

May 6 lecture notification

Lecture info
All students should attend May 6 seminar.
Conference Topic: Media Globalization/ AIT stuff
Speakers: Rick Monday (ICRT)
Mr. Nicholas Papp (AIT American Cultural Center)
Time: May 6, pm6:40--8:20
Venue: ES001, auditorium
you can start thinking about "How media influences our world now",
"your personal observation on media culture"
it's a great chance for you....
remember, albert will be there, too. (with his digital camera... :) )



International Community Radio Taipei (ICRT) is operated by the Taipei International Community Cultural Foundation (TICCF), with offices and studios located at 2F, 373 Sung Jiang Road, Taipei.

ICRT officially began broadcasting at midnight on April 16, 1979. The station was formerly the Armed Forces Network Taiwan (AFNT). When the United States announced termination of official diplomatic relations with the R.O.C. in 1978, AFNT, the only all-English radio in Taiwan, prepared to leave the airwaves. This caused grave concern among the foreign community in Taiwan. The president of the American Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Robert P. Parker, announced the establishment of a group of community and business leaders formed for the purpose of saving the station. Its function included fund-raising and negotiating the transfer of equipment so that the station could continue to operate. At the time, then President Chiang Ching Kuo and Executive Premier Sun Yun-Hsuan were keenly interested in this cause. They instructed the Government Information Office to actively provide guidance and assistance in this endeavor. In the end, International Community Radio Taipei took over the broadcast functions of the Armed Forces Network without a break in transmission.

ICRT assumed the official duties of serving the foreign community in Taiwan and forging a cultural link between the Chinese population of Taiwan and the English-speaking residents of the island. ICRT broadcasts from studios in downtown Taipei. There are two broadcast studios, one for FM and one for the News. There are also two production studios where nearly all ICRT's distinctive programming is produced. We have three 30-kilowatt FM transmitters located in northern, central and southern Taiwan. Our programming is broadcast at 100.7 megahertz from our transmitters in northern and southern Taiwan, and 100.1 megahertz from central Taiwan. ICRT's programming focuses on music, news and entertainment. Our primary mandate is to serve the expatriate community in Taiwan, which constitutes about 5% of our audience, and to act as a cultural bridge to our local audience, which makes up the other 95%.

The American Cultural Center Resource Service (ACCRS) of the American Institute in Taiwan provides an extensive open-stack collection of current materials about the United States. Most of the materials in the collection cover U.S. society and culture: history, arts and literature, economics, education, government and politics. The ACCRS also provides information electronically via the Internet at http://www.ait.org.tw and http://americancorner.org.tw

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008


請病假 之後會補上證明 謝謝

Thursday, April 10, 2008

promotion + news writing + Press release

last one year, last one class



2008年輔仁大學大眾傳播學系畢業班,將舉辦校內和校外共計五場的畢業製作展覽,四月八日於輔大校內展出;四月十二日、十三日於台北市四四南村展出。展 覽形式,將以嘉年華會同樂的方式呈現,內容分成影片組,攝影組,廣播組,廣告影片組,動態影像組,動畫組,廣播組,以及論文組。

輔仁大學大眾傳播學系畢展是大傳系應屆畢業生結合四年所學的成果發表,每年發表獲得傳播專業人士一致好評,吸引許多相關傳播系所學生前往觀賞。今年內容包 含劇情片、廣告片、廣播劇、攝影作品…,以實質的寶貴知識與經驗分享,提供一個和傳播系學生互相交流切磋的機會,歡迎各界傳播業人士共襄盛舉。


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